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Young Advocacy Group (GAJ Barcelona) | Young Advocacy Group (GAJ) | International

EYBA/GAJ INTERNATIONAL: New EYBA Sponsor and offer for its membres in summer courses taking place in NEW YORK CITY!

We are delighted to inform you that the EYBA has achieved a new sponsors and, at the same time, interesting discounts for the summer courses organized by the FORDHAM LAW SCHOOL from New York City.

You can consult the details of the courses which have a discount in the following link:

The EYBA membres can benefit from €500 of discount by early bid and €500 off from price of each programme. Please, be careful with the dates for having the discount for early bid!

For further doubts or clarifications, you can contact directly:

We hope you find interesting the information provided.

Thank you!


Barcelona Young Bar Association (“GAJ Barcelona”)



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  • Foreings Commission | International Criminal Justice Commission | International Relations Commission | Young Advocacy Group (GAJ Barcelona) | Press releases

    Project of the Barcelona Bar Association “Ukrainian Population Assistance”

    On Thursday February 24, 2022, the Council of the Barcelona Bar Association made public its condemnation of Russia's unilateral declaration of war and invasion of Ukraine.
  • Young Advocacy Group (GAJ Barcelona) | International

    Official Sponsor of VYP Barcelona: SpeechStorming, SL

    We are pleased to inform you that SpeechStorming SL has been one of the official sponsors of our International Meeting- The Value of the Young Professionals, that took place last April 30th in the Barcelona Bar Association.


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