VIDEOS NOW AVAILABLE! 1st European Congress on Personal Insolvency
The 1st European Congress on Personal Insolvency was held in Barcelona on November 17 and 18, 2021. You will be able to find the Congress’ videos through the following link:
The Congress was the meeting point for all relevant actors in matters of personal insolvency and second chance (law, judiciary, university, Public Administrations, Bar Associations, social organizations ...) with a multidisciplinary approach and a double perspective.
On the one hand, the processing of the Draft Law for the Transposition of the European Directive 2019/1023 on restructuring. On the other, an open view to analyse insolvency, its causes, consequences and solutions from a broad, legal, social and economic perspective.
The 1st European Congress on Personal Insolvency was held face-to-face and online.
The Congress was structured in simultaneous panels, with two main axes: legal and socioeconomic; as well as workshops.

Regulatory Commission | Culture / Training Commission | Regulatory Commission1689.8369140625 Kbzip
Documentación ponencias 1er Congreso sobre Segunda Oportunidad 2021 (carpeta ZIP)
Regulatory Commission | Regulatory Commission4341.71875 Kbpdf
Programa 1er Congreso Europeo sobre Segunda Oportunidad (2021)
Comisión de Normativa
c/ Mallorca, 283
Barcelona, (Spain) -
c/ Mallorca, 283