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INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION CONGRESS 2024. Back to the future. 7th Part. Moving Forward

Arbitration Commission | Culture / Training Commission | Congress

INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION CONGRESS 2024. Back to the future. 7th Part. Moving Forward

November 21st. and 22nd.

Thursday 21 November, 2024

4pm. Accreditations

4:30pm. Opening

  • Jesús M. Sánchez. ICAB Dean
  • Frederic Munné. Council member Barcelona Bar Association. President of the Arbitration Court of Barcelona
  • Pedro Yúfera. President of the ICAB Arbitration Commission

5:00pm.Panel 1: Dealing with fraud and corruption in international arbitration.


  • José Rosell. Arbitrator. Vice President of the ICAB Arbitration Commission.


  • José Astigarraga. Lawyer and arbitrator. (USA)
  • Kathrin Betz.Lawyer, University of Basel. (Switzerland)
  • María José Menéndez. Arbitrator.Vice President of the Spanish and Ibero-American Arbitration Club. (Spain)
  • Andrés A. Mezgravis. Lawyer and arbitrator. (Venezuela –USA)

8:30pm Gala dinner (Not included). Registrations coming soon

Friday, 22 November, 2024

9:30am. Panel 2: Artificial Intelligence and arbitration


  • Christian Herrera. Lawyer and arbitrator. Member of the ICAB Arbitration Commission.


  • Jacqueline López. Lawyer and arbitrator. (Spain/Germany)
  • Francisco Rodríguez. Lawyer and arbitrator. (USA)
  • Madeleine Thörn. Deputy Secretary General of SCC Arbitration Institute. (Sweden)
  • Carlos Valls. Lawyer and arbitrator. (Spain)

11am Coffee break

11:45am Panel 3: Arbitration and State


  • Isabel Mateu. Lawyer. Member of the ICAB Arbitration Commission 


  • José Mª Alonso. Arbitrator. President of CIAM−CIAR. (Spain)
  • Roger Canals. Lawyer and arbitrator. (Spain)
  • Patricia Fröhlingsdorf. State Attorney. (Spain)
  • Gustavo Nilo Rivera. Lawyer and arbitrator. (Peru)

1:15pm Lunch

3:30pm Panel 4: Legislative innovations and arbitration


  • Jorge Azagra. Lawyer and arbitrator. Member of the ICAB Arbitration Commission.


  • Maximin de Fontmichel. Professor of international law and arbitrator. (France)
  • Olga Ladrowska. Lawyer. (England)
  • Jean Marguerat. Lawyer and arbitrator. (Switzerland)
  • Urquiola de Palacio. Lawyer and arbitrator. President of CAM. (Spain)

5pm. Keynote Speaker:  Jacomijn van Haersolte-van Hof, Director General of the LCIA. (UK)

8pm. Closure: Summary of conclusions


Description Price
All 350,00€
Arbitration Commission | Culture / Training Commission | Congress

INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION CONGRESS 2024. Back to the future. 7th Part. Moving Forward

General info

  • 11/21/2024 - 11/22/2024
  • 8th floor ICAB (C/Mallorca, 283-Barcelona)
  • November 21st. at 16h.
  • Payment



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